BBC: Diabetic girl, 10, petitions government over treatment

21/03/2011 16:11

A 10-year-old diabetic girl and her mother are to travel to Downing Street to highlight a postcode lottery in care for those with the illness. Angela Allison said not all primary care trusts offered insulin pumps, which replace the need for injections. Ms Allison said her daughter Claudia's quality of life had been vastly improved with the pump, which also monitors insulin levels in the blood.

"I've never understood why some areas get pumps and others can't, " she said.

'Heartbreaking' tears

Claudia was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 2008, which means insulin injections four times a day. Her mother said this had "ruined" family life.

"It meant that every time you sat down to eat you had tears beforehand.

"And to see your child crying four times a day and to realise it's because of what you are doing it is heartbreaking."


The family looked for alternatives and fought to get funding for the insulin pump.This means only one injection every four days to replace a tube to attach to the machine.The family said this was also a safer option than injections as the sensor continuously monitored glucose levels, meaning it gives early warnings of potentially life-threatening complications, which Claudia also suffered with.

Claudia said it had improved her lifestyle and she could go on "long walks and bike rides" as she was confident her condition was under control. Now they say everyone should be given this option.

The pumps cost £2,000-3,000, but funding varies depends on local PCTs.

Claudia will be handing in the petition to Downing Street on Tuesday. Ms Allison, also a member of the charity Diabetes Power, will also be giving a presentation to Rowan Hillson, Clinical Lead for Diabetes at the Department Of Health on 30 March.

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